
Pimp Tax?

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa is hoping to stamp out the sex trade by taxing pimps and prostitutes, then jailing them when they don't pay. -link

Apparently, Senator Grassley wants the IRS to institute a "pimp tax" to try to put the pressure on pimps who don't provide a W-2 for their prostitutes. I guess the Senator wants it to be illegal for a prostitute to not be registered with Uncle Sam.

Come on, seriously, a pimp tax? You've got to be kidding. I mean, saying that pimps should register their prostitutes with a W-2 makes it sound like pimping is a legitimate business. Why isn't it enough to just say that prostitution is illegal...period? Doesn't this measure legitimize the pimp trade by giving it some kind of tax status? Unbelievable.

Perhaps we should start taxing drug dealers too. I mean, drug dealers make all sorts of untaxed income. The least we could do is make sure Uncle Sam gets what's his so that he can fund some more worthless social programs, right? I'm going to write my Senators today; I urge you to do the same.

I sure hope Mississippi institutes the pimp tax. Maybe then we could see some improvements on the roads here in Jackson, although I sincerely doubt it. If they can't fix the roads with the money they make from my car tags alone, there isn't a tax or a grant big enough on earth that could fix them.

4 Backtalk:

Anonymous Anonymous quipped...


I ain't gotta be payin fo my hoes! Dem drug huzzla's be needin to pay it forward, aight? I needs to protect my cah. Fix dem roads so my spinna's don't flies off.



11:32 AM  
Blogger Sean Scribner quipped...

Thanks, Snoop, for your intelligent, well-thought out and well-articulated response. I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we all know exactly how you feel.


1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

I think we can say that it is illegal all we want, but that simply does nothing to lessen its legitimacy. I absolutely believe that it should be illegal to deal drugs, charge for sex, etc. Nonetheless, people are still going to do it. Since this is an unfortunate reality, I say tax the crap out of it and fix the roads!!

8:23 PM  
Blogger Sean Scribner quipped...

Anonymous, I'm not sure I understand exactly what you meant when you said, "I think we can say that it is illegal all we want, but that simply does nothing to lessen its legitimacy." Making something illegal by definition makes it illegitimate. Therefore, your comment makes no sense. My original point was that by assigning some form of tax status to "pimping" you would be essentially legitimizing it. So, contrary to what you said, calling pimping illegal absolutely does do something to lessen its legitimacy. It can't be "legit" if it is illegal.

10:00 PM  

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