
Ah, there's no place like home....

Truly it is great to be home. I attended a wedding in Indiana this weekend, and the trip really wore me out. I've never been to Indiana (I think), so it was neat journey.

Note to travelers... if a Taco Bell seems to be surrounded by HUGE puddles after a typhoon-class rain storm, avoid eating there. Apparently that "water" isn't only water. Remember boys and girls, when storm run-off can't go down, usually "less pleasant" water can't go down either. Sewage and tacos do NOT mix (but I ate them anyway).

I knew I was truly home when I stopped in Batesville, MS to get gas. After using Sarah's speedpass to buy about a $1000 dollars (about 5 gallons) worth of gasoline, we went inside to buy some crackers and drinks. The speedpass would not swipe inside. Instead of trying to help figure out why, the attendant, who sounded suspiciously like lunch lady Doris, just kept repeating "it says denied".

Hey, I know it might have be really "denied", but considering that we just used it to buy fuel, you'd think she'd be a little more helpful. I loved her helpfulness. I guess it was prepping me for my return to Jackson....

5 Backtalk:

Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

Dear Happy Traveler,Welcome back to the
"Best of the New South".Ain't Southern
Hospitality great?

Son of the Ole South

10:32 AM  
Blogger Sean Scribner quipped...

Dude, I hear you. We knew we were back in Mississippi when we hit a giant piece of rubber tire in the middle of the interstate at 80 MPH... Good ole MDOT.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

Don't forget the gravel that flies down the interstate like giant bugs... I have 10 chips, 2 long cracks in the windshield of my 2000 cavalier after 5 years living in MS... I never bothered the repairs because it seemed inevitable that the next brick would be landing any day.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Sean Scribner quipped...

Hey Doug, my wife and I bought our first new car ever a few months ago, and already it has a dent in the front bumper from only God knows what, a 6-inch gash beneath the front passenger side door from an UGMO (unidentified giant metal object), and an assortment of rattles. I have been utterly sickened by all this, but what else can you do? I mean, it's Jackson for crying out loud!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

One friend from seminary, Mark Musser, had a fairly new and polished Ford Mustang. Three years... three windshields.

Once he left the repair center with a brand new windshield only to drive 10 miles down the road when SMACK! There came another hung of gravel! He was TICKED off! I just roared with laughter... you'd have to know, Mark.

9:18 PM  

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