What a breath of fresh air...
Here is an interesting excerpt from ESPN.COM. Its an interview of Darcy Tucker(Toronto Maple Leafs) by David Amber.
Amber: You've said that if you could meet one person, it would be President Bush. Why him?
Tucker: I would like to pick his brain. I think his political views are on the same line as my own. I think the wave of the future is someone who doesn't back down to terrorism. When I saw those planes go into the buildings in New York that day, that was the turning point, not only in the United States, but throughout North America. So I really back what he is trying to do.
The teaser on the main NHL page was something about what Darcy Tucker would say if he met the president. Naturally, considering the amount of Political Celebrity Idiocy I've read about recently, I assumed that Mr. Tucker was going to trash our President. Given the bad blood between our countries in the hockey world (booing national anthems, etc.) I had even more reason to assume this. Thankfully I was wrong. It's nice to read something uplifting once in a while. Being a die-hard Flyer's fan, I must forever hate the Maple Leafs. But just this once I'll give a thumbs-up to Darcy Tucker.
Come game time, all bets are off....
Amber: You've said that if you could meet one person, it would be President Bush. Why him?
Tucker: I would like to pick his brain. I think his political views are on the same line as my own. I think the wave of the future is someone who doesn't back down to terrorism. When I saw those planes go into the buildings in New York that day, that was the turning point, not only in the United States, but throughout North America. So I really back what he is trying to do.
The teaser on the main NHL page was something about what Darcy Tucker would say if he met the president. Naturally, considering the amount of Political Celebrity Idiocy I've read about recently, I assumed that Mr. Tucker was going to trash our President. Given the bad blood between our countries in the hockey world (booing national anthems, etc.) I had even more reason to assume this. Thankfully I was wrong. It's nice to read something uplifting once in a while. Being a die-hard Flyer's fan, I must forever hate the Maple Leafs. But just this once I'll give a thumbs-up to Darcy Tucker.
Come game time, all bets are off....
7 Backtalk:
I agree. I get so sick of hearing one celeb after another trashing Bush, America, and all things good and wholesome. By the way, does anyone really care about what 99% of these people even have to say?
Go Blue Jackets!
Oh wait, wrong sport.
Oh well.... GO BUCKS!
Actually, the Bucks have a fairly good hockey team. So, it is appropriate to say, "Go Bucks."
However, one must question how true a bucks fan are you?
Soley football? If that is the case, then one must question the legitimacy of your allegience to the Buckeyes!
Aw, Master Jake, you so funny. I forget to laugh.
So, according to your logic, that would make you a die hard fan of the Philadelphia Phantoms, the Kixx, the Wings, the Soul, as well as all women's sports teams, poker players, chess players, cab drivers, proctologists, and liberal celebrities from Philadelphia, right?
While I like the fact that this ice skater had some good things to say about Pres. Bush, I find it hard to appreciate anything that someone who plays a foriegn sport would say. Now, if it had been someone from a sport rooted deep in the American tradition of moonshine running then I might be able to get behind them more.
Tex Red
Yes,I do love all those things about Philly.
However, the Logic really only applies to college athletics. Atleast, those are my rules, because i am postmodern.
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