Capital of Crash, Smash, and All Other Things Destructive
Update: I must say, I have been profoundly humiliated by my misspelling of this topic's title. No matter how incorrectly I spelled "capitol" it doesn't mitigate the point I was trying to make. So feel free to make fun of my spelling while I'll maintain my right to make light of the horrors of driving in the Jackson area.
Men's Health magazine has an article surveying 100 cities to determine where the safest drivers are. Not to the surprise of any human being with eyes and a brain living in Jackson, MS, the survey lists Jackson as the 97th safest city to drive in. In other words, other scary cities like Detroit (#49) and Miami (#80) are safer places to drive than here.
Now I'm no genius, but I didn't need Men's Health and their fancy survey to figure this one out. All it took for me to see the truth was an instant increase in my monthly insurance premium when we moved down, the condition of the cars (and the roads... Moon rover, anyone?) all around me, and the police driving past wrecks instead of stopping to help in order know the truth.
So, if I live to see next year's top 100 cities list from Men's Health, I'll be interested to see if Jackson manages to move up or down the list. That, of course, is assuming I live until then. After all, driving down the street to my apartment is like playing a game of Russian Roulette....
Men's Health magazine has an article surveying 100 cities to determine where the safest drivers are. Not to the surprise of any human being with eyes and a brain living in Jackson, MS, the survey lists Jackson as the 97th safest city to drive in. In other words, other scary cities like Detroit (#49) and Miami (#80) are safer places to drive than here.
Now I'm no genius, but I didn't need Men's Health and their fancy survey to figure this one out. All it took for me to see the truth was an instant increase in my monthly insurance premium when we moved down, the condition of the cars (and the roads... Moon rover, anyone?) all around me, and the police driving past wrecks instead of stopping to help in order know the truth.
So, if I live to see next year's top 100 cities list from Men's Health, I'll be interested to see if Jackson manages to move up or down the list. That, of course, is assuming I live until then. After all, driving down the street to my apartment is like playing a game of Russian Roulette....
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