
Adam or Eve?!?!?

So...I'm always a little behind the times. I'm finally getting around to checking out Secondlife, you know, that whole virtual world thingy. I tried to get on their servers a while back, but I was still running Vista then, and I couldn't login because their SL client doesn't support Vista yet (yikes). Besides that, I didn't think my paltry intel video card in my Lenovo 3000 n100 would cut the mustard, either.

About a month ago, I dumped Vista and went Ubuntu Linux only. I REALLY like Ubuntu. Stuff just seems to work, with very little manual configuring...even Java, which I've always had issues installing (I'm no Linux/Java guru). For kicks, I decided to give SL another shot with the Linux client. Although its an ALPHA, I ran the startup script, and it fired right up.

If you know me, you realize I'm not a really social kind of guy, so the idea of "talking" to other people online isn't all that appealing. I have enough trouble with my first life, let alone my Secondlife...but I like checking out new (to me) things. I did a little of the orientation, and things seem to work ok. Maybe I'm impatient, but I haven't been able to put clothes on yet. I do alot of clicking and nothing happens. Another thing I've noticed is this: After logging out then in, it appears I've changed sexes. My formerly chisled male body seems to have morphed into that of a young girl. Creepy, yes. I don't know if its the ALPHA status of the SL client, or if its because I'm a moron.

BTW, for those of you who are (funny) about this kind of thing, trust me...there is no simulated frontal nudity in SL (To my knowledge). So, there aren't a bunch of naked virtual people running around (I hope). Either way, I probably won't get that into the game anyway...

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1 Backtalk:

Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

I can't drive 55.........

8:01 AM  

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