Get WHAT Done????
Yes, Larry the Cable Guy, ladies and gentlemen. We've all seen him gracing our TV screens, and I think he's supposed to be coming out with a "major motion picture" sometime soon (if not already).
Some call him funny.
Others call him stupid.
Me? I call him perplexing.
"Why perplexing?" you ask. Well, for the most part I guess I understand the whole "redneck" routine and all. Even though it's been done over and over again, I suppose it's still funny. And a cable guy? I get it - cable guys are usually annoying, you know, being omnipresent and all.
But I guess the true source of my bewilderment over this enigmatic cultural phenomenon is "r" (pronounced, "er"). I mean, what is "r" anyway? And, more specifically, how does one get "r" done? Is "r" some random task that cable guys normally encourage people to accomplish? Is "r" a particular kind of meat that needs to be cooked all the way through to eliminate the dangers of food-bourne illness? Or is "r" simply some form of encrypted "redneck" language admonishing fellow "rednecks" to perform whatever necessary duties one must perform to sustain the "redneck" status? I don't understand.
I really would like to know, Larry, what "r" is, so that whatever it is I can get it done!
Some call him funny.
Others call him stupid.
Me? I call him perplexing.
"Why perplexing?" you ask. Well, for the most part I guess I understand the whole "redneck" routine and all. Even though it's been done over and over again, I suppose it's still funny. And a cable guy? I get it - cable guys are usually annoying, you know, being omnipresent and all.
But I guess the true source of my bewilderment over this enigmatic cultural phenomenon is "r" (pronounced, "er"). I mean, what is "r" anyway? And, more specifically, how does one get "r" done? Is "r" some random task that cable guys normally encourage people to accomplish? Is "r" a particular kind of meat that needs to be cooked all the way through to eliminate the dangers of food-bourne illness? Or is "r" simply some form of encrypted "redneck" language admonishing fellow "rednecks" to perform whatever necessary duties one must perform to sustain the "redneck" status? I don't understand.
I really would like to know, Larry, what "r" is, so that whatever it is I can get it done!
3 Backtalk:
Sean - don't deny your roots. Anyone raised on Big Paddy Creek knows full well what "r" means...
Big Brother,
I do indeed recall my days on Big Paddy Creek Road. Those were some very formative years of my childhood, this is true.
But come on -- "r"? "R"??? Seriously. What is that?!
Southerners call everything, "Her". "She's a beaut.", "Ain't she sumthin." And on and on about his truck, trailer, or whatever. "Get Her Done."
The 'Cable Guy' moniker came from when he was a local comedian. He used to call into radio stations pretending to be some 'whoever', upset about whatever the topic of discussion was on the program. His hick 'Cable Guy' named 'Larry' became popular locally and got him his start.
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