
Devil's Day?

Greetings. My name is...um, I'll just go by "S" for the time being. I'm here to express to you my supreme delight, for today is what some are calling, "Devil's Day." Not that this has anything to do with me, mind you. I just enjoy sitting back and watching the way that some people are acting over today's date. You see, the date today is - get this - June 6th...... 2006! Hee hee hee. Get it? 06.....06.....06. 6-6-6? Tee hee hee! You know what that means, right? You don't? Oh, well let me tell you. It means.......... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That's the funny part. While all these crazy people are running around like it's the end of the world, the really funny thing is that today is NO DIFFERENT than any other day. HAARGH!!!

You see, these people think that the "devil" is at work today more than any other day. They think that I - I mean, "he" - will somehow be thwarted by what they're calling "violent worship and praise." Don't believe me? Check out this story. Sure, the "devil" hates it when people pray and all, but that's why days like today make me so happy - I mean, make the "devil" so happy. These people concentrate all their attention on a single day, all the while falsely assuming that today is actually special, and in the meantime they're making the people who take the "devil" seriously all year long look like religious cooks. OOH! It makes me giggle!

Please excuse me. I have a party to attend to mark this special occasion. I'll be in Hell..... Hell, MICHIGAN, that is. I'll be drinking "fire" water, and eating "hot" fries. It'll be a real barn "burner."

But please, don't tell these particular evangelicals the truth about today. I'm enjoying this way too much.

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