
HP DV2000t and DV1000 comparison

Recently I upgraded laptops. My old laptop is an HP Pavilion DV1000, and I upgraded to HP's new DV2000t. I got a great deal on the new one and found a way to help someone out with the old one. I wasn't sure whether to go with the HP or one of Apple's new MacBooks, but in the end my long-running relationship in good standing with HP, coupled with the fact that I could get a whole lot more machine for a lot less money, made my decision for me. (Plus, 12 months no interest/no payments is pretty appealing.)...READ MORE (warning: lots of pictures).

UPDATE: Many of you must click "Read More" to see where you have commented.

4 Backtalk:

Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

Dear Sir, Read your review with
great anticipation,but alas it was just another piece of PC/Microsoft
shilling at it's worst.Please wake
up and move forward with your thinking
! You could have had the premier OS
available instead you opted for sh##!
Well as Neumann would say "TA TA".
Have to get ready for a wedding now.

Bagman in Jersey

PS Your sales tax is still more than the "Peoples Republic of NJ"

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

Dear Sean,From the reflection on the
screen it appears you did this piece
in the server room,Oh! you were
probably on your lunch break...right?


8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous quipped...

A nice review Holmes. I'm excited to get my laptop....seems like it will do exactly what I need it to do...even if it fails to measure up to your new one. Oh yeah...Bagman...it's Newman...not Neumann. Bephor yu critisyze..lurn hou tu spel.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Sean Scribner quipped...

Wow, Bagman. Thanks for your uplifting and inspirational comment. I'm assuming that what you were trying to say in the third sentence was, "You could have had the premier OS available instead you opted for shoe!" I mean, since I'm such a moron for buying a PC machine with Windows and all, I am having a hard time understanding what you meant by "shoe." We Windows idiots can't imagine what other four letter "s" word you would have meant there, so what did you mean by "shoe?"

Is "shoe" some kind of soap used to wash out little boy's filthy mouths???

1:35 PM  

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