Swimming in the shallow pool of intellect exploring the lighter side of the cornucopia of tastes and opinions with a blog that can beat up your blog.
From the AP

"In an attempt to make the WNBA more palatable, league officials have decided to focus on their supposed strengths. League Spokesperson Barbara Hiddeger states 'most sports fans are men. We need to appeal to their baser instincts. Therefore we've to make our players more attractive.'" See attached photo.
It's a leeeeeeg!

It was the night of prom. The big dance was over and everyone went to the local bowling ally for an after-prom party. Over the course of the evening they were drawing names and handing out door prizes. Everyone was winning something - everyone, that is, but me. They were giving away prizes every 10 minutes, and after about 2 hours of not winning anything, I finally complained. Finally my name was called, but only after I had them "rig" the outcome and deliberately choose my name from the bucket.

That's kind of how my luck goes. At least, that's the case about 99% of the time.
But there is that 1% of my life where things went my way. I call that 1% "Rebecca." Yes, permit me a moment of sappiness, but my wife Rebecca is my lone "major award." Regardless of all the "bad luck" I've had in life, with her I've hit a home run, and I didn't even have to rig the results.
So, Becca, thank you for being my very own sexy-provocative-leg-lamp. I love you.

My Future Self

God Bless You, Mr. T

Take his quality of pity, for example. Pity is an emotion, usually resulting from an encounter with an unfortunate, injured, or pathetic person or creature. A person experiencing pity will often take mercy on the person/creature, giving them aid or money. Many people pity the homeless, orphans, the terminally ill, and victims of rape and torture.
But Mr. T pities an even less fortunate kind of person -- namely, the fool.
In his pitying, Mr. T typifies true human compassion with his feelings of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others.
So here's to you, Mr. T, and your humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it.

The following is taken from the AP:
Oh, Canada!
Toronto Argonauts president and CEO Keith Pelley talks about bringing Ricky Williams to the CFL
Williams showed good hands Monday, catching all five swing passes thrown his way.
"It's a part of my game that I haven't been able to do a lot in the NFL," Williams said. "But I'm excited. I think it will make me a better all-around player, definitely."
Oh, that, and laying of the hash....
Oh, Canada!
Toronto Argonauts president and CEO Keith Pelley talks about bringing Ricky Williams to the CFL
Williams showed good hands Monday, catching all five swing passes thrown his way.
"It's a part of my game that I haven't been able to do a lot in the NFL," Williams said. "But I'm excited. I think it will make me a better all-around player, definitely."
Oh, that, and laying of the hash....

When I think of holidays, I think of family. Speaking of which, I actually have some family coming to visit soon. My brother's family is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. I'm really proud of them! Its seems like they've adjusted to their new lives in Ohio. Here's a picture of the good looking family. Note: They don't have the cool car anymore...they traded it in on a minivan...
Greetings, Earthlings...

Oh yeah, and we're going to pretty much talk about anything we want to talk about, which means it could be about geek tech stuff one day and NASCAR the next. You are invited to be just as annoying and opinionated as we. Let this site bring out the side of you that you suppress in public places, and feel free to say the things you think and are usually afraid to say. Just don't be a jerk on here or we won't play with you.
Salute Leonard on your way out.